April 26, 2009

Pool is Definitely Communal

Pool is a highly communal activity and pastime...
And so, the ritual of pool definitely fits that requirement for something to be recognized as folkloric. In fact, as long as pool is competitive and played between two or more people, then it is always communal in origin. Moreover, even a player that only plays against his/her self (most of the time) is likely doing so with the thought in mind that he/she will someday impress another participant with his/her growing skills.

Here we see how local business owners graciously welcome pool player's that will be playing in a pool tournament at their establishment that weekend.

Scooter's Scoreboard, in Cheyenne graciously acknowledges the pool players that would be attending a tournament there that weekend.

The following playlist has just a few videos representing how pool is such a communal activity and pastime. One can also access the videos on the playlist at YouTube.com by clicking on the "linked" title.

Pool is Communal - Etiquette, Rules, etc.